Webinar on the Impact of ChildHub ▶54:16
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 3 section 5 ▶5:56
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) narrative & common responses ▶55:47
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) narrative & common responses ▶0:52
ChildHub e-learning course on supervision: clip 3 section 8 ▶3:55
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 3 section 3 ▶0:49
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 1 section 6 ▶4:25
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 3 section 7 ▶0:55
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 1 section 3 ▶50:47
Child to parent violence and abuse - A practioner's guide to working with families ▶1:25
Child to parent violence and abuse - A practioner's guide to working with families ▶2:16
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 1 section 2 ▶5:53
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 4 section 3 ▶0:37
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 5 section 8 ▶1:05
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 3 section 1 ▶7:48
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 2 section 7 ▶1:06:32
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 2 section 6 ▶1:59
Child safeguarding measures for case work in the Child Protection Room (Barnahus) ▶3:03:18
Child safeguarding measures for case work in the Child Protection Room (Barnahus) ▶5:00
Childhub video ▶4:32
日本子どもフォーラム~子どもの権利を基盤とした子ども施策の実現に向けて /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶1:13:27
日本子どもフォーラム~子どもの権利を基盤とした子ども施策の実現に向けて /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶1:07:52
Las siete estrategias INSPIRE ▶54:03
Girls School Gymnasium (1970 -1979) | British Pathé ▶1:00:23
Refugee and Migrant Crisis - German Experience ▶3:11
ChildHub and PROMISE webinar series Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities ▶1:27
ChildHub and PROMISE webinar series Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities ▶1:41:34
Childhub Barnahus Series: Adapting the Forensic Interview to the Needs of the Child ▶0:07
Childhub Barnahus Series: Adapting the Forensic Interview to the Needs of the Child ▶48:22
Trauma Informed Care and the Neurosequential Approach ▶1:01:43
【AIで超簡単】たった5分でペットや子供の成長記録ムービーをつくる方法【Clipchamp】 ▶1:16
【AIで超簡単】たった5分でペットや子供の成長記録ムービーをつくる方法【Clipchamp】 ▶55:32
子どもの権利のために、ひとつのチームになろう /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶1:29:23
子どもの権利のために、ひとつのチームになろう /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶1:57
Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus ▶54:19
❤️🤗👩‍🏫✨*childhub *навчанняпідчасвійни💙💛 *навчальналабораторія ▶2:16:10
❤️🤗👩‍🏫✨*childhub *навчанняпідчасвійни💙💛 *навчальналабораторія ▶7:49
Understanding the relationship between environment and children`s rights ▶3:16
Understanding the relationship between environment and children`s rights ▶1:08:51
Law as one enabling factor for the Barnahus ▶58:14
「幼保無償化」で加熱する幼児教育 バイリンガル幼児園とは? ▶0:14
「幼保無償化」で加熱する幼児教育 バイリンガル幼児園とは? ▶1:58
キッズデュオインターナショナル・アイキッズスター ▶7:41
Putting the child at the centre ensuring an inclusive and child friendly setup ▶1:52:09
Putting the child at the centre ensuring an inclusive and child friendly setup ▶19:20
Curricula on gender-based violence prevention by addressing norms - Webinar ▶7:43
Curricula on gender-based violence prevention by addressing norms - Webinar ▶1:16
子どもの権利条約30周年:あなたはどうしますか? /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶2:11:19
子どもの権利条約30周年:あなたはどうしますか? /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶7:58
The European Barnahus Movement ▶7:51
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式21/10/18~10/22まとめ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:06
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式21/10/18~10/22まとめ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶0:56
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式ふみきりカンカンまとめ2│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶0:36
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式ふみきりカンカンまとめ2│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶2:36
Violence against Children in the European Union ▶41:51
Sharing good practices on working with refugee and migrant children ▶1:01
Sharing good practices on working with refugee and migrant children ▶1:56:44
Children and Young People Supporting Each Other ▶22:35
(~Pthc Center~)(Opva)(2012) Nice Pt Gymnastic Lesson Nn Mov05568 ▶58:09
(~Pthc Center~)(Opva)(2012) Nice Pt Gymnastic Lesson Nn Mov05568 ▶10:36
Hogyan regisztráljunk egy ChildHub online kurzusra? ▶1:41
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式ぷしゅぷしゅのまいにちまとめ1【東大赤ちゃんラボ監修!知育】 ▶2:30
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式ぷしゅぷしゅのまいにちまとめ1【東大赤ちゃんラボ監修!知育】 ▶5:11
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/06/05~06/09まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:06:56
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/06/05~06/09まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:26
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/03/20│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:30:28
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/03/20│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:31:49
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式ここにいるよまとめ1│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶0:08
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式ここにいるよまとめ1│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶3:34
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ歌】ちゅるちゅるめんめん(うた:山上友花)【赤ちゃんが泣き止む・喜ぶ動画】 ▶1:37:33
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ歌】ちゅるちゅるめんめん(うた:山上友花)【赤ちゃんが泣き止む・喜ぶ動画】 ▶0:31
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/05/15~05/19まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:56:44
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/05/15~05/19まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶16:43
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式かずとりむしまとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:09:03
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式かずとりむしまとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶3:05
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式くだものあわせまとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶5:00
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式くだものあわせまとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶56:35
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 2 section 8 ▶1:01:34
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 1 section 7 ▶32:00
ChildHub e-learning on supervision: clip 1 section 1 ▶22:35
子どもの権利条約30周年:オーランド・ブルーム大使からのメッセージ /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶2:23
子どもの権利条約30周年:オーランド・ブルーム大使からのメッセージ /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶1:05:58
Working with children and young people affected by sexual violence in the UK ▶1:16
Working with children and young people affected by sexual violence in the UK ▶51:29
【長濱ねるver.】みんなのfor every child /日本ユニセフ協会 ▶22:35
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式22/10/31~11/04まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:02:58
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式22/10/31~11/04まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶1:01:30
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/10/05│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶54:33
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/10/05│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶4:32
Название трансляции ▶1:30:15
Violence from the perspective of children from marginalized groups ▶1:13
Violence from the perspective of children from marginalized groups ▶1:21:16
The Quest: A Children’s Guide for Child Support Workers to Better your Professional Practice ▶0:09
The Quest: A Children’s Guide for Child Support Workers to Better your Professional Practice ▶58:26
Top 5 Myths About Human Trafficking ▶56:43
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式もじゃずまとめ1【東大赤ちゃんラボ監修!知育】 ▶0:21
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式もじゃずまとめ1【東大赤ちゃんラボ監修!知育】 ▶2:59
Strengthening the rights of the child in administrative and judicial procedures related to migration ▶1:37:18
Strengthening the rights of the child in administrative and judicial procedures related to migration ▶7:46
07) Two’s company, threes a crowd ▶1:52:19
A Conflict Resolution Model for Violence Prevention (online webinar in Bulgarian) ▶7:51
A Conflict Resolution Model for Violence Prevention (online webinar in Bulgarian) ▶56:56
Conversation with Par Stihl on child safeguarding in forensic interviewing room in Barnahus ▶1:01
Conversation with Par Stihl on child safeguarding in forensic interviewing room in Barnahus ▶4:50
kid cute fight. ▶58:25
子どもを守る手を、子どもを傷つける手にしない― 子どものセーフガーディング ▶
子どもを守る手を、子どもを傷つける手にしない― 子どものセーフガーディング ▶
セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン / Save the Children Japan ▶
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式20/09/21~09/25まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが喜ぶ知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式20/09/21~09/25まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが喜ぶ知育の動画 ▶
October 28, 2023 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/02/13~02/17まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/02/13~02/17まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
子どもの権利 / 日本ユニセフ協会 子どもと先生の広場 ▶
Parenting on the move ▶
Baby dance| ▶
Seven INSPIRE Strategies ▶
Identification, Care and Protection for Victims of Trafficking in the UK ▶
Identification, Care and Protection for Victims of Trafficking in the UK ▶
How the EU multi-annual budget (MFF) can promote the rights of children in migration ▶
How the EU multi-annual budget (MFF) can promote the rights of children in migration ▶
Supporting young alternative care leavers trough the 'House of Opportunity' - Program ▶
Supporting young alternative care leavers trough the 'House of Opportunity' - Program ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/08/22│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/08/22│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
Alternatives to Detention for Juvenile Offenders (copy) ▶
Medical evaluation part 2 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups ▶
Medical evaluation part 2 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式モノリズム お仕事~科学者~ver.│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式モノリズム お仕事~科学者~ver.│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
Working with Uncooperative Families - Webinar - July 9, 2015 ▶
Working with Uncooperative Families - Webinar - July 9, 2015 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/09/01│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/09/01│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
Medical evaluation part 1 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups ▶
Medical evaluation part 1 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups ▶
Formal agreements and the daily work of multidisciplinary interagency cooperation 0 0 ▶
Formal agreements and the daily work of multidisciplinary interagency cooperation 0 0 ▶
Alternatives to Child and Family Immigration Detention in the EU ChildHub webinar ▶
Alternatives to Child and Family Immigration Detention in the EU ChildHub webinar ▶
キッズビュー ▶
What measures to safeguard migrant children at the EU external borders? Reviewing new EU proposals ▶
What measures to safeguard migrant children at the EU external borders? Reviewing new EU proposals ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式モノリズム 夏ver.│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式モノリズム 夏ver.│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
Protection and support to children who are victims of domestic violence ▶
Protection and support to children who are victims of domestic violence ▶
Маленькими кроками до великого діла 🤩🤪👩‍🔬*childhub*навчальналабораторія*навчальнийпростір*дітиукраїни*навчанняпідчасвійни💙💛 *дітитікток ▶
Маленькими кроками до великого діла 🤩🤪👩‍🔬*childhub*навчальналабораторія*навчальнийпростір*дітиукраїни*навчанняпідчасвійни💙💛 *дітитікток ▶
Medical evaluation part 3 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups ▶
Medical evaluation part 3 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups ▶
Barish ▶
REVIS Project - Young people's messages to decision-makers on responding to violence in school ▶
REVIS Project - Young people's messages to decision-makers on responding to violence in school ▶
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式21/05/03~05/07まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが喜ぶ知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが泣きやむ】シナぷしゅ公式21/05/03~05/07まとめ│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが喜ぶ知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式はじめましてチビちゃんです~いろんなチビちゃん~まとめ7│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式はじめましてチビちゃんです~いろんなチビちゃん~まとめ7│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/08/21~08/25まとめ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式23/08/21~08/25まとめ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式がっしゃんまとめ73│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
【赤ちゃんが喜ぶ】シナぷしゅ公式がっしゃんまとめ73│テレビ東京x東大赤ちゃんラボ│赤ちゃんが泣き止む・知育の動画 ▶
Child Safeguarding in Organisations: a practical webinar ▶
Child Safeguarding in Organisations: a practical webinar ▶
Amazon Kids+ | きみの夢中が、未来につながる ▶
Candy Doll ▶
Children and youth with disabilities in Bulgaria - how do we meet their needs? -Webinar in Bulgarian ▶
Children and youth with disabilities in Bulgaria - how do we meet their needs? -Webinar in Bulgarian ▶


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